Acidic Posing Originally uploaded by Kevin.Haroun I'm home getting things in order before I go. One more day and I'm on my way! To see Ash, visit Colorado and get married. I have the day off from work, they told us about this a couple weeks ago. Long after we had all bought tickets. If they had told us sooner, I could have taken another two days back home. Ah well, that's life here. As it is, I get two extra days off that I didn't expect. So, I'm grateful and will leave it at that. Last weekend I managed to break my home computer while dusting it out. Not really sure how or why, but it became a chance to put it in a new, much lighter, case and get an upgrade to the power supply. Bringing home, I had various problems, only too discover the problems resulted from the graphics card not being plugged in. A long story short, I ended up reverting back to Windows XP. I reskinned it, and that simple feature makes me like it as much as Vista. Go figure. So, today I...