Final Hurdles
My portfolio was approved, so that's one thing out of the way. I have submitted the last major project for my "creative designs" course. That is the "This is Islam" video drafted before. The final version is this:
Chotu is now scheduled to fly out on the 2nd of May. Insh'Allah there will be no incident. I'll keep Shisha here in Saudi until I have a final date for leaving. Hopefully final word on that soon.
I have a draft paper to submit tonight, and a final version due at the end of the week. Once that is submitted, the only thing left is "clean up" work on the two courses. It looks like a B in one and A in the other. Frustrated about the B, but not enough to go back and resubmit the projects and such. It was too much the first time around. But, once this paper is done, maybe there will be some space to at least resubmit one. I just want to be done at this point.
Did not hear back from InfoPrints (IBM). I'm not surprised, I had a requirement of working remotely from January to March of 2011. I'm pretty sure that killed by candidacy. Firms say they want remote employees, but do they really? A lot to take in when considering hiring someone, I suppose.
With that put aside, I'm looking forward to getting on the ground in Portugal, and making some face to face contacts at University of Coimbra. I'm also putting out tentative feelers for some short term summer teaching jobs in 2011.
Chotu is now scheduled to fly out on the 2nd of May. Insh'Allah there will be no incident. I'll keep Shisha here in Saudi until I have a final date for leaving. Hopefully final word on that soon.
I have a draft paper to submit tonight, and a final version due at the end of the week. Once that is submitted, the only thing left is "clean up" work on the two courses. It looks like a B in one and A in the other. Frustrated about the B, but not enough to go back and resubmit the projects and such. It was too much the first time around. But, once this paper is done, maybe there will be some space to at least resubmit one. I just want to be done at this point.
Did not hear back from InfoPrints (IBM). I'm not surprised, I had a requirement of working remotely from January to March of 2011. I'm pretty sure that killed by candidacy. Firms say they want remote employees, but do they really? A lot to take in when considering hiring someone, I suppose.
With that put aside, I'm looking forward to getting on the ground in Portugal, and making some face to face contacts at University of Coimbra. I'm also putting out tentative feelers for some short term summer teaching jobs in 2011.