Prepping for the Women's Class
Well, the first session went well enough, but the Berlitz director was overloading me with classes. So last month I taught the men's section. That went well enough. I found it very frustrating though. They would attend one week, or one session, and not the next. The students were not correctly leveled - some were very advanced, others needed to build their confidence and their abilities. Not an ideal teaching situation, but typical of language schools.
The upside of delaying the women's class is I'm better prepared. I know the book better and I got fired up to turn it into a "blended learning" type class. That is, I made a website with Moodle and such ( Since I'm teaching them remotely, this also got me excited to resume my masters program.
My plan now is to run one four week session of the women's toefl prep, take a month off to revise it, then run it again if there is interest. Around that time, I'll the next class for the masters certificate will start.
The upside of delaying the women's class is I'm better prepared. I know the book better and I got fired up to turn it into a "blended learning" type class. That is, I made a website with Moodle and such ( Since I'm teaching them remotely, this also got me excited to resume my masters program.
My plan now is to run one four week session of the women's toefl prep, take a month off to revise it, then run it again if there is interest. Around that time, I'll the next class for the masters certificate will start.