
Showing posts from October, 2008

Over the Hills and Far Away

Sharpe's Rifles. The iconic (can music be iconic?) theme song. Over the Hills and Far Away. I'm searching the net for a good version, and this is the best so far: If you've not seen it, you're in for a treat. It's a great series and worth seeing. If you've seen it before, odds may be strong that it's time to break it out and watch it again. With friends and family around is the best! Oh, and the best battle scene from the series. Some of the best dialogue - "What are you intentions, Sir Arthur?" "Why Hogan, I plan to give the French a damn good Thrashing." Much more quotables, of course "And in the center, Danny Hill will stand." "It's a good life, if you don't die." Oh, and "Okay boys, let's do some shootin'!".

The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party Originally uploaded by Kevin.Haroun Got the original picture sent to me. Looks like it should blow up nicely. Really happy with this shot. More so than many of the professional pictures.

House of Flying Daggers

I saw this first on a grainy download while living in Korea. It had been in the theatres there, but not much reason to see it with Korean subtitles. The visual imagery is, of course, stunning. Most people are wowed by the opening sequence with the dancer and the drum game (the dried bean thrown and drums and she has to follow). This a great scene, but the final duel as the blizzard comes in remains one of the best pieces of film I have seen. Very powerful. If you enjoyed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" this is a much more interesting story, and much more powerful visually. Of course, what really makes this movie is the ending, and trying to figure out the wheels within wheels of what you just saw and who was exactly betraying whom (their wife, their government, themself) at what point, and if they ever knew exactly themselves.

First Day Back

The Wedding Party Originally uploaded by Kevin.Haroun Got in late last night, nearly 2 am local time. After far too long in too many planes. Three total before arriving in Jeddah and having to find a taxi to Taif. I stayed up late after getting in, the cats having to comment that I was back, and just to wound up to sleep. As it was, I got to bed around four or five am and slept until five pm. Much more sleep than I wanted, but I suppose I needed it. I have one more day to get back on schedule, or at least get used to Saudi, before going back to work. All in all, to sum things up simply, a good trip home!